Monday, January 9, 2012

lady Bella

If you read my last post you know who I'm talking about when I say Bella,(Lady Bella was her full name..).
After we came home from the vet's we set her up in our basement so we  could keep on eye on her... Sunday She wouldn't eat her pellets anymore but she would accept fruit such as bananas (her favorite).Today she stopped eating and drinking all together and today while we where gone she passed away.. Now you might think "okay girl she was just a  rabbit ,get over it.." But No she wasn't just a rabbit she was my very first pet. I remember me(being 10yrs) and my lil sister(being 6 yrs) begging our Dad to get rabbits.He finally said yes! =) We drove to our friends house to get them and we both bought and picked out our own baby bunny's,we paid for them with our own money,and we where so excited! Teresa chose a black dwarf and I choose Bella (her named changed many,many times!) She was spunky yet sweet,she was a mix breed(Hotos, Rex,dwarf)but I didn't care, I wanted her out of all of them...She was the rabbit that we could let guest hold because she was so laid back,she loved attention,and she loved to cuddle.She taught me responsibility(enough that Dad eventually let us get horses ;) ). She  is 6 yrs old,that is really old for a domestic rabbit..they usually only live to be around 4 or 5 I'm blessed that she lived to be that long.

Bell 1yrs
( those are another bunny's ears behind her)



  1. Bella had an incredible, funny, careful, happy owner in YOU Rachie!! I never saw a bunny loved on so greatly--you gave her a great life honey.

    I am so very proud of WHO you are--and Bella received all those blessings of you as you took care of her..
    love you,

  2. Were you really only 10 when I took you to get her?! Wow... It's hard Rach, but she was a very well-loved and cared for fuzzy little thing.. And I actually *liked* her. I wish I could hug you =(, but I know that HE is hugging you for me.. Let Him speak to your heart right now!! <3

  3. Rachel, I'm so sorry about your bunny!! Pets definitely become a part of our family and it is so hard when they are gone!! Remember that our Heavenly Daddy cares about our hearts desires and understands what you are going through! Wrap yourself up in His loving arms and He will give you great peace! Te amo honey!!!! Aunt Laura.
