Monday, September 8, 2014

I got this

*breathes out*
I've got this. The fall semester of 2014 has started and I'm on my way. On my way....
What does that entail, what does it mean, and what should I do about it....
*thump, thump, thump*
My heart's pounding, I suppose that's a good thing...
 I'm learning and trying to breathe while doing it all.. a job, finding a car, payments, studying/homework, and 16 credits at college. I'm learning more this year than I did last year, big life decisions loom over me and threaten to squash me like a I did to the spider in my bedroom last night. But above me is a powerful, strong, and downright incredible God holding that weight off my head. He's letting me take hold of His hand, and He's leading me and transforming every single day. Yes, you read that right.. Every day. And hey, He's doing it to you too.... If you let Him.

He wants to lead you, guide, you or take hold of your small puny hand. If you let Him.
We all need Him, we need this Holy Jesus, we can't live our simply crazy lives without Him, trust me I've tried it and I failed miserably. 

We get to know this God, and the thing that sends chills down my spine: we were chosen first, and He's loved you first. I heard this song yesterday go through my Pandora channel. I usually don't listen to the lyrics when I'm doing school, but the genre changed from rocking out to Toby Mac, to listening to Jami Grace. It caught my attention and I ignored my Art textbook for 4 mins.

We get to love him. Back.

Think about it. We get to Love the King of creation, this Holy, infinite God, who loved us first with a relentless Love...
and we get to Love him back.

People, that's BEAUTIFUL.

We mess up, we fall smashing our faces into the dirt, we're at our all time low ready to do something drastic and the King of Heaven picks us up and dusts us off. He forgives and forgets. He doesn't hold anything against us, and all the while He loves us.

It's a completely different type of love.. 

A Godly love




There's nothing human about it.
Think about how you love.... Do you follow 1 Corinthians 13 to a tee? No, you don't. Because you're human and there isn't anything perfect about you. 

You're a mess, that's right a mess.

and Jesus loves that mess.

1 comment:

  1. Loving Him means you Love people who hurt you. He says you cannot Love Him and hate your brother.
    Loving Him means you will face heartache. He has promised we will have troubles in this world. He has also promised we will experience ceaseless JOY in the end.
    Loving Him means sacrifice.
    Seek Him. Love Him. Above all else.
    Loving Him means you will never be satisfied by anyone on this earth. Only Jesus Himself.
    I Love you!
