Friday, October 17, 2014

A Piece of My Heart

How can I leave this place? 
I feel as if I've been here forever, and then also like I just arrived. I'm sitting in a boing 737 looking out at the Gulf of Mexico, and I can't help but feel as if Guatemala holds a piece of my heart.
I've learned so much, but it's by nothing I've done. I willingly came to serve, expecting nothing in return, and yet I'm going home changed. After spending a week in San Jaun, I now know what real love is. It's a love that lasts, it's real, sacrificial, and unending. The nannies loved the children with a Jesus love, and the children knew. They knew without a doubt that they had a Daddy in heaven that loved them and would never leave them. 
"Jesus te ama", I told 9 precious little girls and a smile would spread across their face as they giggled and say, "Si, Raquel."

I honestly wouldn't have been able to get through the crazy, wild days at the Malnutrition Center without the strength that God gave me. He taught me how to love through Him, giving me a purpose, and telling me that I was bought with a price. I'm not worthless. I am loved. I am cherished. I am complete. I am made complete... in HIM! Because of His love I don't need any,"extras". I don't need someone else to tell me what I am when I already know. I am a child of God. 
Don't we want to ask why? Why does the creator of heaven and earth love us? Me, a hopeless sinner, now bein called His cherished child?
"Only to hear Him say,"Because I wanted you, and I came to get you so that you might know me as Father" -David Platt- Follow Me

 Why do we constantly ask what Gods will for us is when it's so clear.. "Go into all the world and preach the gospel." It's not a suggestion, it's a command. We are to show the love of Jesus to everyone. We should have the, "fragrance of Jesus" that people know we are followers of Jesus, and they know without a doubt.  We don't have to go into a completely different country to show Jesus. Look around you, there are people that you walk by everyday that need Jesus. They need to know the love of Jesus.. Are we to sit idle and let them walk by without them knowing about His love, and the free gift of salvation that He has to offer to us? 
"This is God's will in the world: to create, call, save, and bless his people for the spread of his grace and glory among all peoples. This will is not intended to be found; it's intended to be followed. We don't have to wonder about Gods will when we've been created to walk in it. We have no need to ask God to reveal his will for our lives; instead, we each ask God to align our lives with the will he has already revealed. 
God's will for is as disciples of Jesus is to  make disciples of Jesus in all nations. Therefore, the question every disciple ask is, " How can I best make disciples of all nations?"  And once we ask this question, we realize that Gid wants us to experience his will so much that he actually lives in us to accomplish it."
David Platt- Follow Me- pages 135-136
In Him, 

1 comment:

  1. Aaaah! you are so right, 'Raquel'! I would say something profound, but I can't think of anything more profound than what you just said! :)
